Wednesday, June 5, 2013

You're no longer number one

top: old navy   skirt: target   sandals: ?   necklace: gift (groopdealz)

Can we say fourth of July outfit?  Too patriotic looking perhaps? 

I'm pretty sure I've mentioned before Chris' extreme amount of love for our dog Molly.  Now I certainly love Molly and give her quite a lot of attention.  But it can't compare to Chris. 

Sometimes it's almost disturbing how much he treats her like a person.  Playing hide and seek, carrying her around, talking to her like a person.  

The other day I overheard Chris talking to Molly, telling her that once our baby comes she will no longer be number one around here. (Let's just ignore the fact that he was saying that Molly was number one and not me). 

I'm glad he knows that our baby girl will get moved ahead of Molly, as I used to be a little concerned. 

Doesn't everyone carry around their 50 pound dog like this? 

Thankfully Molly is so good around other babies and kids, but I am a little worried how she'll handle our new addition! 

Oh and I've never entered any kind of style or fashion contest until yesterday when I found one that's all about finding good deals, which I think I'm pretty good at. I'm sure you want to help me win! Vote here! 

Thank you!


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  1. Yeah, Chris is disturbingly fond of that dog. Sweetly disturbing, but still : ) I am glad that my niece will be even more adored than Molly!

  2. My husband still treats our dog as if she's a real kid. He never gets mad at her either, even when she deserves it. Boys are weird.

  3. Ok, so I have to tell the truth here. I'm the opposite. I keep telling Sherman (like daily) that he will ALWAYS be number one! haha. You look so adorable friend! So happy for you!

  4. I am more like Chris... Except I take it to a whole new level of crazy... Not only do I talk to my pets .... I speak for them! Yup... Crazy pet lady here!!

  5. So I'm not the only one who was concerned about their husband putting the baby ahead of the dog? We also have a golden that my husband treats like his child so I can 100% relate. I laughed the entire post - it sounded exactly like my husband!!!

  6. Yes I think you need to correct him - Molly will be number 3 as you are number 1 then baby 2. Haha!!!

    Those pics of him carrying her are too funny.

  7. Haha he's the way Sean is with our dog! Sean completely carries our 50 lb dog too! I love that he gave her fair warning :)

  8. So cute! My husband treats our dog like a child as well (although I admit I'm a little guilty of this as well). :)

  9. So cute! Love him carrying her! And I love that are ALL baby! Beautiful!!

  10. haha this is so cute, i totally act like chris does with our dog. i talk to him like a person ALL the time. ha. i'm worried he will take it badly when we have kids (he's scared of kids right now, plus he's HUGE!) molly looks so sweet, i'm sure it'll be a smooth transition for you!

  11. OMG! Haha Chris and Molly are just like my hubby Wes and our dog Jessie! It's uncanny, especially the ways he picks her up!

  12. That is hilarious! My dad carries our dogs like that too. Must be a guy thing?? At least he knows that after you have the baby, she comes first! (and where are you? are you 2nd or are you 3rd?? lol)

  13. hahaha awwwwww! such a cute dog. i love this!

    and p.s. you can never be too patriotic

  14. Cute! The friends I've known who had pets and then a baby said the transition went well. I'm sure Molly will love the baby!

  15. Oh my goodness...Chris & Molly are TOO cute! I definitely talk to my dog like she's a I can't blame him but I'm glad he realizes that baby will now come first :)

    The Other Side of Gray

  16. Aw, he's just practicing for the real deal! :-)


  17. That last shot is priceless! Bahaha! And no lie, we're not even pregnant yet and we've been explaining to our pup for a long time that someday he will have a little brother or sister and he will have to share our attention. Yeah, we are SO those people. :P

  18. I love how much he loves your dog. That is adorable. That last picture cracks me up. And I just voted for you and your cute Old Navy dress. Go girl!

  19. Hi flower, your blog is really amazing! Fascinating posts! I just love it and I'm following! I hope you'll visit me and follow mine too.

    Kisses from Russia,

  20. My boss brings his german shepherd to work - it's a small family run business, and Ozzy (the dog) pretty much thinks he is just another one of the employees. And I tend to talk to him like a person :) I just voted - I love that Old Navy dress!!! Good Luck!

  21. This is too funny! It's a good thing Chris understands that your daughter will come before your dog. Sorry he doesn't get that YOU should be before her too. ;-)

  22. This gave me a good laugh! Both my husband and I are certaintly fond of our two doxies but they are much easier to carry around than Molly! I always wonder how ours will take to the baby as well. It's hard when you got fur babies and suddenly they aren't a priority anymore.

    PS. Your hair has been looking super cute lately!!

  23. Oh man, that reminds me of my husband and out cats. They live outdoors and so many times when we're already in bed, he'll think that he hears them fighting or fussing outdoors (I hear nothing) and he gets up to go check on them. I swear, it's like a mom's ears who can always hear her baby crying--he has those kind of ears for his cats. So odd.

  24. What a cute dog! The baby is going to feel very light compared to Molly!

  25. OMG the pictures with Molly are hilarious!!

    Ali of

    Dressing Ken
