Thursday, June 27, 2013

Can I have yet another surreal moment?

dress: destination maternity    shoes: kohls

While our struggle to get pregnant came with so many hard and trying times, I can say that there have been so many blessings that have come from it.  I know there are many lessons, blessings and experiences I would have not had if we would've gotten pregnant when we wanted to. 

One of those blessings has been experiencing the power of prayer and encouragement from others.  Two weekends ago my mom, sister and sister in law through me a baby shower and everyone that was there has prayed for and waited for this baby.  My struggle through infertility would have been a completely different experience without these woman in my life.  Some who I shared everything with and others who knew we were struggling and faithfully prayed for us. 

It was amazing to look around the room, full of woman who love me, love this baby and have been a part of our journey the last two and half years.  People from all areas of my life: work, college, high school, family, even a few of my mom's friends who have been constantly praying for me were there. It was a room full of good listeners, prayer warriors, women full of encouragement and love.
 My sister gave this beautiful talk that brought me (and many others) to tears.  Sharing how wanted this baby is and how prayed for and loved she already is.  She also gave some amazing advice and encouragement to me as a new mom (which I will have her share here soon). 
The whole shower was wonderful.  I felt loved, blessed and so excited to tell my baby how many amazing woman helped me through all the waiting we did for her.   Just writing all this out, makes me all teary knowing how blessed I am.  Not that I would ever choose to go through what we did to get pregnant, but I have to say how thankful I am to have been able to experience feeling blessed in this way.

I'm pretty confident that this baby couldn't be more loved. 


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