Thursday, January 26, 2012

Five things Friday

1. I bought these boots from Old Navy awhile ago for $12.  At first I wasn't sure if I liked them, and was not confident in wearing them.  I am liking them more and more.  Now I want some chunky socks to go under them, like these:

2. This just might have been the longest school week yet to date this year.  Somehow every day dragged on and on! 

3. I made this granola recipe this week: Cherry Chocolate Granola
I was too cheap to buy dried cherries, so I used craisins and it was still delicious.  Oh and I used chocolate chips instead of bittersweet chocolate. Also because I'm too cheap to by that. Nonetheless, still awesome.
I could eat yogurt and granola every day.

4.  Chris has been gone this whole week and I am SO happy he is coming home late tonight.  Looking forward to a weekend together!

5. I got an email today letting me know that the Chicago Marathon registration opens up February 1st.  While I know for sure that I am not doing it this year, there is a a part of me that is sad that I'm missing out on the experience!  I plan on doing it again at some point in my life. 
Here's a picture from the 2008 marathon.

Could not be happier that tomorrow is Friday!  Happy weekend!

Today's your last day to enter my giveaway on Amanda's blog - For Love of a Cupcake!
Pin It!


  1. looooove those boots! you are too cute!

  2. I have bee wanting to get some ankle boots. I feel the same way about the week going by so slow! What grade do you teach? I teacher family and consumer science! I would love for you to check out my blog! :)

  3. Those boots really are adorable. I did the chunky sock thing recently and loved it!

    lace, etc.

  4. Thanks Katie! Between you and me, that hat wasn't the easiest thing to make lol. I'm jealous I saw those boots at Old Navy and never picked them up thinking "I have too much shoes" and now I regret it :(

  5. Ha! I love that I'm not the only one who thought this past week was monumental in how long and crazy it were bouncing off the walls and teachers were just pulling their hair out! We have a few more solid weeks before we get another break! Hang in there! :-)
    And those boots are super them and the price!
    XO - Marion

  6. Those boots are so cute! And I love granola too!!

  7. love that outfit!
    I am going to try and do my first marathon this year!! any advice?
