Thursday, August 30, 2012

High Five for Friday

tee: old navy  dress: maybe forever 21

1.  This skirt is actually a dress.  A dress that I haven't worn for years because it seemed to dressy.  I'm proud of myself for figuring out how to wear it again.

2.  If tying your shirt ever goes out of style (which I can only imagine it will do someday) about one third of my outfit posts will turn from trendy to "What was I thinking"?
See here, here and here.
Let's just hope that's not for awhile.

3.  My birthday isn't too far away (November 2nd) and it is always nice to think of presents ahead of time.  And by nice, I guess I really mean fun. 
While I do own lots of jewelry, I own very few pieces of really nice, quality jewelry and I think I would like something like these beautiful diamond hoop earrings

4. One of my google search terms this week that led someone to my blog was "american eagle tiger tank top."  I should be embarrassed to bring that up again, but it made me feel like just maybe this tank top was still cool.   I guess it all depends on the person who was searching it though. 

5.   I have received many strange notes from parents, but this by far takes the cake. 

6. Bonus number: Make sure to check out Carly's giveaway from yesterday. 
($10 giftcard to Sephora and ad space!)

After being in a classroom that was 85 degrees today, with no hope of cooling off tomorrow, I am more than ready for a long weekend.
Happy almost Friday! 

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  1. Really!? Who doesn't like Columbus Day! I have heard some weird things but nothing like that...who thinks to put that as an answer. Those earrings are beautiful!

  2. Great outfit choice! New follower here. Looking forward to reading more!

  3. i saw this note on insta.....crazy!!!! i ADORE this outfit! you make me want to go re-purpose old dresses. Absolutely lovely! Happy Friday friend!

  4. We have our annual district-wide prof. development day in a ...wait for it...HOCKEY RINK tomorrow. I'll think of you, dear friend, as I'm shivering in my gloves and boots.

  5. Those diamond earrings are gorgeous! Crossing fingers that you get them!

    I love looking back at pics of clothes i wore from years ago and giggling at myself. Sometimes I'm like, wow, I was ahead of myself and sometimes I'm like, what was I thinking? So embarrassing, lol.

  6. Well that was creative of you and I hope the t-shirt in a knot thing never goes out of style.

    PS. I still can't get over that parent's letter. What did Christopher Columbus ever do to them? LOL

  7. Love the pattern on that dress! And I think the tied t-shirt looks fantastic over the top :) You look fantastic as always!


  8. you already know how I feel about that paper from your parent, but as for the outfit & earrings? FABULOUS. looking good as always, lady! ....and I still want your wardrobe ;)

  9. Who wouldn't love diamond hoop earrings? LOVE!

    -Daisy Nguyen from PS BANANAS fashion blog:

  10. Hahahahaha, Columbus Day. That cracks me up. Gorgeous diamond earrings! And my mom's birthday is November 2nd, how fun!

  11. I need you to come to my closet and put outfits together. I just need you here!! You look great. That note cracks me up. ;) xoxo

  12. That is an interesting note about Columbus Day lol!!

    Yay for November birthdays, mine is in November too. :D

  13. i love this look! i would never have guessed you were wearing a dress instead of a skirt, it's styled awesome!
    p.s. i'm your newest follower :)

    xo brie

  14. i really love the print on that maxi! my birthday is on nov 15th!
    hope youre not dying o a heat stroke today ;/ but like you least it a long weekend!!!

  15. you look ADORABLE, katie! i love that skirt (well, dress)! happy friday!

  16. FAB combo! love the dress. SO cute! <3 and I can't believe it's gonna be your bday!!!

  17. I love your skirt/dress, it's so cute on you! And.. my birthday is in November too! :)

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  18. I love what you did with the dress to make it more casual. The top is awesome and I LOVE those earrings! It's never too early to start thinking about birthday gifts. :)

  19. Love how you made that dress into a skirt - so cute!


  20. The tee looks so cute knotted over the dress! I tried to do that today and realize my shirt wasn't long enough to tie. FAIL! I've never heard of someone hating Columbus Day and I think that child may need therapy soon. Have a great weekend, Katie!

    The Tiny Heart
    Enter my jewelry giveaway!

  21. Good post :-) That note from those parents really made me LOL! That sounds so made up on their part.

  22. Oh wow, I still speechless over the Columbus Day comment. Geez. Anywho, I am in love with that skirt! So pretty =)

  23. Really??? I think "that" parent just might be a genocidal creepy. And this dress/skirt is fab....I was just saying the same thing on my blog today about one day looking back and saying, "What they hell was I wearing this for?" LOL!!! Gotta love trends! happy weekend!

  24. Love how you wore the dress as a skirt, super cute pattern! Also, that mom's holiday comment is too much. Parents never seem to surprise me anymore with what they come up with! It's always something!;)

  25. omgosh i'm cracking up about the columbus day thing. that is the funniest thing! ps- i've said it before and i'll say it again... come dress me! love how you put that dress and shirt together.

  26. Love your outfit!! I think it's soo cute, and that's awesome that you were able to bring back a dress out of your wardrobe. There are so many things that I don't wear because I don't think they look good, but when I can pick them up again in a few months or even years, it's always a great discovery. My coworker's birthday is November 2nd too! Fridays are the best days for a birthday!

    Hope you have a great weekend!

  27. Hi, I never usually comment on your blog but I do really love your teacher style!
    I just felt the need to make a comment about the picture of the parent note that you posted. As a teacher myself, I was a little bit surprised that you were not aware of the controversy surrounding Columbus Day. I don't mean to stir the pot or anything but I thought it was common knowledge that it turns out that Christopher Columbus was not the best type of person. I've included a few links to articles that I've found about the topic. As always, take everything with a grain of salt because everyone has an agenda. I just wanted to let you know that the parent's concerns aren't really too far-fetched!

  28. Just looked back at the tiger tank top. Is it bad that I like it? :-) Hope your classroom cools down! That does not sound like fun!

    Jayme @ Her Late Night Cravings

  29. Your skirt is gorgous, and so is your blog :)
    Material Fixations

  30. Love that skirt and it looks so cute with the tied up t.
    xo Annie

  31. I love shirts over maxis! Love the print of your maxi!

  32. I'm not a Columbus fan either, sorry. But I am a fan of YOU! :)

    I'm studying health education, focusing on coordinated school health programming. Yesterday one of my professors told a story of a mom who called very angry after her high school daughter took a nutrition class, and then refused to eat at McDonalds. The principle asked the mom, "Aren't you happy that she's making healthy choices, trying to be healthy?" The mom said, "No. That's what medication is for. I don't have time to cook."

  33. That Columbus Day comment takes the cake. Love it, thanks for sharing!

  34. Just stumbled across your blog and I adore it! I'm a teacher too...fresh out of college and still searching for a job...and am too excited for strange parent notes. This one is by far the best I've ever come across! Following you now!!!


  35. You look amazing! I'm following you now :)

  36. Stopping by from The Sasse Life Sunday Social, following you now via GFC!

  37. oh that's a funny note from your parents! I always try to find new way to wearing old items before my boyfriend says that needs to go you never where it! lol


  38. Your skirt is oh-so gorgeous! <3 I love love love that print

    Lost in the Haze: a Fashion Photography Blog

  39. I Love. Love. Love. The Earrings. And I love how the shirt is knotted like that too!


    Danielle Faith

  40. I've had some pretty explicit google search terms, which I couldn't believe, because I don' have anything on my blog that could lead them there with those words!

  41. If tying shirts ever becomes wrong, then I don't want to be right!

  42. I just got an email from groupon and thought of you.

  43. I love the tie trend going on right now. You pull it off so well!! Love this outfit!

  44. cute cute outfit and oh wow I looked at that note -- talk about random! :) Glad you were able to cool off. That is hot within a classroom!

  45. Great job with refashioning this dress into a beautiful outfit, I love how you tie your shirts like that...what's the trick to making them stay?

  46. You look lovely katie! love how you knotted the top!
